If you are lucky you will be on Peaks Island for the Sacred and Profane. This event takes place at Battery Steele, an old WWII installation tucked into the middle of the Island. It’s a free for all of Portland’s artists, illusionists, creatives types and people who like a scare, with volunteer installations of music and art, and costumes, meant to haunt and inspire. As Owen Sandersen writes “I liken it to Burning Man meets arthaus meets classy haunted hayride. It draws lots of Maine College of Art (MECA) students and off-islanders, who build elaborate experiences and art installations deep inside the Battery.”
Word of the event tends to travel via word of mouth, so ask around. Some say its on the night of the October full moon.
En route to the Battery enjoy the Island’s very creative Halloween decorations. Check the Calendar for more official Halloween events.