The use of golf carts on Peaks has been a topic of discussion and concern for some time. The Peaks Island Council Online Survey– Summer 2014 identified golf carts as the highest ranked matter of concern by respondents. After months of concerted effort across the island, the Portland City Council amended City Code to address safety concerns arising from cart usage. Residents continued to express their concerns in emails to the Peaks Island Council.
At its January 24, 2018 meeting, the Peaks Island Council charged its Transportation Committee with conducting a survey of public opinion regarding the use of golf carts here on the island.
The Transportation Committee held public meetings to discuss design of the questionnaire and analysis of results on February 20, March 14, and May 9.
The survey was conducted between April 11 and May 2. The survey instrument was announced on April 11 and made available on-line. The community received on-line reminders via NextDoor and Carol’s List on April 16, April 26, April 30, and May 2. Hardcopies of the survey instrument were made available and collected at the Peaks Island Library.
On May 23, 2018, the Transportation Committee made a preliminary report of survey results to the Peaks Island Council and the community.
The results of the 2018 Community Survey of Public Opinion Regarding Golf Cart Use on Peaks Island, are presented here for public review:
To review a report of responses to the survey’s quantitative questions, please click HERE.
To see the responses to the survey’s open-ended questions, please click HERE.
Peaks Island Council members serving as the Transportation Committee include Randy Schaeffer, committee chair, Steve Anderson and David Stankowicz. These committee members are prepared to respond to questions and concerns.
The Peaks Island Council would like to acknowledge the assistance and participation of other island residents who volunteered their time and energy as Transportation Committee members, including: Charles Burr, Barbara Carter, Peter Eckles, Michele Landry, Debbie Jordan, Erik Winchester, and Timothy Wyant.